How to submit a paper

The International Journal of Health-System Resilience (INJHSR) is a hybrid
journal of academic and practicum in the field of health-system resilience
published by the Resilience Research, Training, and Consulting. INJCR  is
an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published with the objective of
creating a community of practice of like-minded groups and organizations for the promotion of health-system resilience.

The types of papers include original research, review articles, case
studies, and short communications. The INJHSR also welcomes papers based on lessons learned from field practice and new developments in the field of health-system resilience. In addition to the written articles, it welcomes multimedia documentation as well.

Types of papers

  • Original research: Theoretical and applied research on health-system resilience.
  • Case Studies: Innovations in field practice highlighting the best practices and lessons learned on health-system resilience.
  • Practice Papers: This highlights the practice-based lessons which could be beneficial for the practitioners.
  • Policy Briefs: A concise summary of a particular issue on health-system resilience, the policy options to manage it, and some recommendations for the best of the better options
  • Review articles: Recap of theory on health-system resilience with their implications for the community of practice.

General format for papers

Abstract: 300 words, non-structured.

Body: 3000 words, excluding tables and references

Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations, Acknowledgement

Lesser word count and less structured format would be acceptable for case studies.

Tables and Figures should be included in the text.

Referencing should be done using APA – 6th Style.

Feature Image, Video, or Podcast

All authors are encouraged to submit feature image, video, or podcast along with their manuscripts as supplementary material for publication.


All articles of INJHSR are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.

Metadata registration

The INJHSR registers all research articles published with Crossref and hence they will have their DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.

Journal Financing 

We believe that your ability to pay should not be a barrier between your work in the field of community resilience and the INJHSR. Hence, there is no article processing fee.

INJCR is run with the sponsorship of supportive organizations and voluntary contributions from like-minded individuals like you. Voluntary contributions are welcome towards the cost of the journal. Contact  for more information.

Article Submission Deadline

Articles are accepted on a rolling basis for INJHSR.

What will happen when you submit an article to the INJHSR? 

The article will undergo a thorough peer-review process.

The editor will review your article to see if it is within the scope of INJHSR and if it is worth going through the peer-review process.

If your article is deemed suitable for the peer review process, it will be allocated to an editor. 

The editor will obtain reviews from two experts in the field of the theme of your manuscript. 

The editor will make recommendations based on the reviewer’s comments about the decision about the article. There could be three decisions: 

  • Accepted with major corrections. 
  • Accepted with minor corrections. 
  • Rejected. 

If the article has been accepted with major corrections or minor corrections, the editor-in-chief will request you to submit the proposed corrections. If the corrections are not made as per the recommendations of the reviewers, the manuscript will be returned to you until the quality of the paper is improved up to the desired standard. 

If the article is rejected by the editor, we may not be able to consider your manuscript again until the reasons for rejection have adequately been met. You have to submit your article as a fresh submission. 

The editorial board and the peer reviewers devote a lot of their time and energy on a voluntary basis to maintain the high standards of the journal with the aim of contributing to the discipline and practice of community resilience. 

Authors Portal

Authors, please click here to access the manuscript submission form.

Editors Portal

Editors, please click here to access the editor review form.

Peer Reviewers Portal

Peer reviewers, please click here to access the peer reviewer form.